Meet the team...
Greg Green
A native of South Carolina, Greg graduated from The Citadel in 2006 with a degree in Psychology. After working 5 years as a Police Officer and Firefighter, he began working in the trade business at FedEx. Greg has been a member of Tau Kappa Phi Inc, a non-profit LGBT Greek lettered organization for 14 years. During this time, he helped to create a space within Tau Kappa Phi for transgender men, Alpha Omega Kappa Fraternity, Inc. serving as the first president of the organization. Greg serves as a moderator for a transgender support group at Garden of Grace United Church of Christ. He has been on the board of South Carolina Equality as the chairman of the Trans Action Task Force. Greg has spoken in Washington DC with the U.S. Department of Justice ; Federal Bureau of Prisons, Dorn VA Hospital, Federal Correction Institution; Edgefield, SC, Federation of Families Summer Summit and various other engagements.
Greg Green
This paragraph is set for freakin geniuses!!
Greg Green
This paragraph is set for freakin geniuses!!